Discussion Questions

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1. If someone caught a glimpse inside your dreams, what do you think they would learn about you?

2. What is the scariest dream you have had? What about it made it so frightening?

3. If you were given the opportunity to look into someone else's dreams, would you do it? Why or why not?

Questions referencing Yes, Master
4. Julie's new life of horror is now routine. Have you ever had to adjust to a new normal? What did that look like for you?

5. How do you think Julie’s mind was able to adjust to such a grotesque procedure of sorting through rotten meat? Do you think humans have the ability to adjust to anything given enough time?

Question referencing Dreams Really Do Come True
6. What did you want to be when you were a child? How do you think your childhood self would have reacted to the real goals of that profession?

Question referencing Mercy of a Monster: A Mermaid’s Tale
7. The dream Surfer asks himself: Was there a difference between mercy and benevolence? Does mercy require an act against someone first? What do you think?

Questions referencing the Hunter
8. How do you feel about Avci’s reasoning for preferring one-night stands over real relationships? Is life easier when you don’t have to answer to anyone but yourself?

9. The dream surfer comments on the humor in the story of Avci and the Siren. Do you like the combination of horror and humor or does the “goofiness” take away from the darkness?

Question referencing Playing with Dolls
10. Jack and the Dream Surfer “play” with the meaning of the word “toy”. In the duality of the innocent sense of the word combined with the darker sense of what actually happened in the scene. What do you think it means to play with someone? Where is the line between play and something darker?

Question referencing Fantasy
11. Jenny was more interested in what Miles had to offer than what it might cost. Have you ever been in this situation? Why do you think it is hard for us to think about the consequences when we are offered an opportunity too good to be true? Is this human nature? Or do we choose to ignore the downsides and willingly take the risks?

12. What do you think motivated the dream surfer to continue his journey of understanding?

Question referencing Revelations

13. If you were Gene; pulling souls out of hell, what would your criteria be? Would you want to guide people or rescue them?

14. Have you ever been used by someone? Though not to the extremes listed in the story, how did this impact you? What about the situation made it so hurtful?

Questions referencing Pleasure and Pain
15. Do you share any aspects of Astor’s relationship with pain? Is it something to be avoided at all costs or can pain be a welcome sensation in some cases?

16. What would your “demon name” be if you had to choose one and why?

17. If you found the secret portal to Hell, would you enter?

Questions referencing Playing With Jack
18. Do you think Jack’s punishment was fair?

19. Do you believe the universe teaches us lessons? Or is everything just random? What truth is there to Karma?

20. Have you ever used someone as a distraction? How did that feel?

21. To what extent are dreams “real”?

Question referencing Gina
22. Did you have a favorite stuffed animal as a child? What about it made it so special?

Question referencing Homecoming
23. If you were Derek, would you have wanted to know the truth about your family? Have you ever learned of a truth that changed your sense of identity? What as that like?

Question referencing Chase
24. The dream surfer talks about wanting strength to fight, even when the outcome is not guaranteed. What risks have you taken in order to fight for something? How do you know when to fight and when to cut your losses?

Question referencing Life Sucks
25. Why do you think Debbie was so drawn to the fantasy of being a vampire? What about vampire lore do you think is so appealing to some people?

Question referencing Sunshine
26. If you were offered “the gift of immortality” would you take it? Why or why not?

27. Many of the burrows have a theme of feeling safe. What do you think it means to keep someone safe? Does the motive matter? For example, if one is being kept safe simply because of their use as property, how does that differ from the safety of a healthy relationship?

Question referencing Bonds and Blood
28. Do you think someone can love you even if they lie to you about something very important as Derek’s grandmother did?

Question referencing Bound
29. Do you believe trauma can permanently break a person as it did Travis? Or do you think there is always a way to heal?

Question referencing Searching
30. Would you have made the deal Thomas did to get his daughter back? How does a physical sacrifice (such as the loss of his wolf leg) differ from the emotional one (the deal made to get Amber back)?

Questions referencing Haunted
31. Would you want to live in a haunted house?

32. Do you believe in psychics? What about them do you think appeals to so many people?

Questions referencing Image of Perfection
33. What would you do if you were “Queen of all there is?’

34. The Dream Surfer ponders if tactile objects and experiences are important and supposes that It’s just the stimulation of nerves being processed by brain matter. That it doesn’t physically make things more real. How do you feel about this definition? For example, is a board game any more real than a video game if it stimulates the same neurotransmitters?

Questions referencing Redemption/Bundle of Joy
35. Do you think Gene's plan to avenge Travis is fair or unfair? Do you agree with how Lance handles the situation?

36. What do you think the Dream Surfer was really searching for in the burrows? How does his sense of self-change?

Question referencing Playing with Dolls
37. After reading Susie’s story, would you rather have an underactive imagination or an overactive one? What kind of design would you make if you were given maximum creativity over a project?

Question referencing The Perfect Wife
38. The Dream Surfer searches for a sense of belonging and likens himself to a puzzle piece carved down too many times to fit. Do you feel a sense of belonging in your current relationships? What makes someone feel a sense of belonging?

Questions referencing the White Knight
39. The demon talking to Frank says, “You think that the only way to deserve the life you have is if there’s someone, anyone, that you can hold below you.” Do you agree? Do you think human culture is obsessed with hierarchy in order to feel value?

40. Do you think Frank’s blame was misplaced? Have you ever blamed someone else instead of taking ownership of a problem?

41. Do you think people are responsible for creating their own demons? What outside forces are at play in shaping your choices?

Question referencing The House on the Corner
42. Do you think having a sibling makes one feel less alone? Do you think there was a lesson to be learned for Gail and Abby, or is this just a story about a cruel woman?

Questions referencing Fairy Tale
43. Carol has a lot of regrets. What strategies do you use to live in the moment and enjoy your current situation? Or do agree with living in the moment? Are there ways to progress in life without feeling like years have been wasted?

44. Did you have an imaginary friend as a child? Why do you think this practice is so universal for kids?

Questions referencing a Cold Day in Hell
45. Warren’s family was not supportive of his goals. When someone tells you that you are not fit to do something, does it discourage you? Or does it give you fuel to prove them wrong?

46. Did you ever have siblings or friends who played pranks on each other? At what point do you think a prank has gone too far?

47. How do you think the burrows helped the dream surfer return to his identity and remember his past? Do you think he would have been better off not knowing?